A few things I don't love about Stan

My gripes with my favorite stats program

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First off, I love Stan. If you have not heard of Stan, I highly recommend you check it out. I use Stan for almost all of my statistics these days, and have published several papers using it.

That said, there are a fair number of things I don’t like about it:

The model trade-offs

In my experience, when you are developing a model in Stan, you are often faced with trade-offs between 1) flexibility, 2) readability, and 3) development time.

To illustrate with a silly example, say I had a basic model:

  int N;
  vector[N] y;
  real mu;
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, 1);

This model is simple and easy to read, but it is not flexible. To make this model take a number of predictors, I have to modify the code:

  int N;
  vector[N] predictor;
  vector[N] y;
  real beta;
  real mu;
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu + beta * predictor, 1);

Creating this little change would mean sitting through compiling the model again. Doing this once or twice is not so bad, but when I am working with a model this could be up to 20 or 30 times. That really adds up.

Second, each time I edit the model, there is the potential to introduce errors. Therefore, in addition to the compiling time, there is time spent debugging, etc.

So, instead of all of this, I could have coded the model as:

  int N;
  int num_pred; //number of predictors
  matrix[N, num_pred] X; //model matrix
  vector[num_pred] beta;
  target += normal_lpdf(y | beta * X, 1);

This model is actually the same as both of the models above. Compared to those, it is much more flexible. This model can accept countless number of predictors without changing the Stan code at all. All that compiler time is gone, as is the time spent debugging and checking the model.

So, you might say this is clearly the winner, right?

Well, I actually prefer the first way because:

  1. The model code is expressive of what happening in the analysis. Though it is more inefficient on several fronts, this code allows someone to see exactly what is happening. Looking at the more efficient model, a reader will not have a clue how many predictors were used, what their types were, etc. An extreme example of this is the model code for the rstanarm package for R. These models are extremely flexible and highly efficient, but almost impossible to tell on first glance what is going on.

  2. The inefficiency can be a feature. More than once I have been forced to actually spell out the math in the models I am creating, rather than just relying on the “throw it in a model matrix and it just runs” approach. For me, forcing me to slow down and think deliberately about my model is helpful.

  3. Verbose models are often easier for people with little statistics experience to approach. As I think more and more about reproducible research, the more I think I would happily trade some wall time for a model that more readers can understand and even potentially modify.

So what’s the issue?

Those compile and testing times are killing me. Developing models as part of my analysis is slow. When a project comes up that needs an answer ASAP, I will often resort to rstanarm or even lme4. But for something I am going to publish alongside a manuscript, I prefer the slower approach.

My wish list then is:

  1. A testing framework that will work for custom written models to quickly evaluate that they are performing as intended.

  2. Custom Bayesian models that have the speed of compiled code, but without the lengthy compile times. I would trade a little wall time for reduced compile times.

Which makes me wonder what potential exists in 1) Nimble compiled with LLVM, 2) Julia, or 3) Go. Go is the most intriguing to me - it is almost as fast as C++, but compiles ridiculously quickly. Hmmm…